Dispute Resolution.Focus. Experience.

We are a specialised Dispute Resolution law firm. Our expertise lies in handling complex business disputes. Out of court, in state courts, and in arbitration proceedings. Nationally and internationally.

We cover the entire range of commercial disputes. Disputes under sales and commercial law. Shareholder and post M&A disputes. D&O and professional liability (lawyers, tax advisors, auditors). Adjustment disputes in long-term contracts and after force majeure events. Recourse disputes after cum/ex, cum/cum, and other complex liability events.

We act as advisors, party representatives, arbitrators, co-counsel, and experts on German law in other jurisdictions. Always with full commitment, professionalism and integrity.

We offer real experience. Our partners are personally involved in our client work. Our team has been well-rehearsed for years. Together, we develop strategies for our clients and pursue them with determination.

We are team players. We regularly work together with other law firms. Be it in conflicts of interest or in other constellations.

We love what we do. However, work is not our sole purpose in life. In this way, we maintain our creativity and focus.

We act fairly and sustainably. In this respect, we have taken the Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge and support the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations.

A well-rehearsed team.

Nico Köppel, LL.M.

Lawyer | Partner

Janusch Krasberg, LL.M.

Lawyer | Associate

Dr. Alexander Kröck

Lawyer | Partner

Zensela Robeck

Co-Office Manager

Dr. Carolin Sabel

Lawyer | Partner

Corinna Schmidt

Office Manager

Sophie Schröter

Lawyer | Associate

Florian Zindler

Lawyer | Counsel

Contact & Directions

Kröck Sabel Köppel Dispute Resolution
Partnership of lawyers mbB

Sonnenstr. 1, 80331 Munich, Germany
T +49 (0)89 212 368 940
F +49 (0)89 212 368 949
E info@kroeck-disputes.com
